Is there way to place a hyperlink in the title below thumbnail in the gallery? I am using a “Media Page” Skin and it only allows one line under the thumbnail (or so it seams to me).
Firstly, please upgrade to the latest version 3.0. This answer only works Version 3.0 and above.
In step 1, Images & Video tab, when you add/edit an image, you can directly enter HTML code in the title:
<a href="" target="_blank">WonderPlugin</a> is great
In step 3, Options tab, Advanced Options, enter the following text:
data-thumblinkintitle="true" data-thumbtitleheight="40" data-thumbtitlecss="{text-align:center; color:#000; font-size:12px; font-family:Armata,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;line-height:16px !important;padding-top:8px;}"
The above options will change the height of thumbnail title to 40px, and define it's CSS to use the height.
An online demo is as following: