Change thumbnail, title and description in WonderPlugin Gallery Showcase Skin


WonderPlugin Gallery


I’v just installed and set your Wonder Plugin Gallery commercial version5.4C.
I decided to use Showcase type with Playlist.
I want to enlarge the font-size of the title and desicription in playlist area.
And if possible, I want to enlarge the size of eye-catch image.
I tried to add CSS option, but not changed.
Please help me to change font-size and eye-catch image in playlist area.


In the plugin, step 3, Options tab, Advanced Options, you can enter the following text to the Advanced Options box:

data-thumbtitlecss="{text-align:left; color:#ffffff; font-size:24px; line-height:24px; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; overflow:hidden; padding: 6px 0;}"

The first line changes the total height of the playlist. The following three lines change the size of the thumbnail image, the title and description CSS in the playlist.