How to create a WordPress gallery with categories

This tutorial will show you how to create a WordPress grid gallery with category filter.

You can add images, YouTube, Vimeo, HTML5 videos, PDF documents, WordPress posts, custom HTML code to the gallery, define multiple categories, add category buttons or selection to the gallery and create a WordPress gallery with category filter.

You can check the demo created with this tutorial at WordPress gallery with category filter. You can click the top buttons to filter categories.

There are five steps in this tutorial:

  • Step 1 - Install Wonder Grid Gallery
  • Step 2 - Create categories
  • Step 3 - Add Images and Videos to the WordPress gallery
  • Step 4 - Show category filter buttons or selection
  • Step 5 - Publish the WordPress gallery and add the gallery shortcode to the WordPress post or page

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Lightbox effect not working with the WordPress theme Salient


WonderPlugin Slider, WonderPlugin Carousel, WonderPlugin Portfolio


This tutorial will guide you how to fix the issue of the lightbox effect not working in the WordPress theme Salient.
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Moving WordPress to a New Domain


WonderPlugin Slider, WonderPlugin Gallery, WonderPlugin Portfolio Grid Gallery, WonderPlugin Carousel and WonderPlugin Audio Player


When you move your WordPress to a new domain name, you many find the image, video and audio links in the plugins are not updated, they still point to the old domain name. This tutorial will guide you how to update the links and fix the problem.

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I upgraded to the Pro version, but the free version watermark remains


All Wonder Plugins


I purchased the Pro version and received my membership login credentials. I downloaded the Pro version and followed the upgrade instructions provided on your website. However, the free version watermark still remains.

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Search and replace when moving WordPress site


All WonderPlugin Products


I am moving my WordPress development site to production. I did a search and replace in the WordPress database, but the images in the carousel slider still link to the old domain.

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Add plugin js files to footer is not working


All WonderPlugin Products


In the plugin, settings menu, I checked the option "Add plugin js scripts to the footer", but the plugin js files are not added to the WordPress footer.


The plugin is using WordPress hook wp_footer to print the plugin js scripts to the footer. wp_footer is one of the most essential theme hooks.

The problem is because your WordPress theme does not call the WordPress function wp_footer() and the hook is not enabled. Please contact your WordPress theme provider and ask for how to support the wp_footer hook.

For more details about wp_footer hook and wp_footer() function, please view: and

Add space after gallery and left align carousel



I am using WonderPlugin Portfolio Grid Gallery Commercial Version 6.0C and WordPress 4.4

I need to add space between your plugin and the text below. I've tried adding it in your skin css and in my style.css and have not been able to figure out how to do it either way. Can you tell me how to make that work?

Similarly, with WonderPlugin Carousel Commercial Version 7.0C, I need to move the vertical carousel to the left.


1. In the post/page editor, switch to Text mode, then add the following HTML code after the gallery shortcode:

<p style="margin-top:100px;"></p>

The above code will add 100px gap after the gallery.

2. You could add the following HTML code around the carousel shortcode:

<div style="float:left;">
[[wonderplugin_carousel id="2"]]
<div style="clear:both;"></div>

8MB Upload Size Limit


WonderPlugin Gallery, WonderPlugin Slider, WonderPlugin Portfolio Grid Gallery


Is 8MB the largest upload size you offer with the WordPress portfolio grid gallery? I tried to add a video file but the video was way too large.


8MB is a limit from your web server.

You need to change the web server PHP configuration file to change the limit. If you are using a shared web hosting, you need to contact your web hosting provider and ask them to make the change.

Or you can upload the video file to your web server via FTP client software, then add the video URL link directly to the plugin.