Add plugin js files to footer is not working


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In the plugin, settings menu, I checked the option "Add plugin js scripts to the footer", but the plugin js files are not added to the WordPress footer.


The plugin is using WordPress hook wp_footer to print the plugin js scripts to the footer. wp_footer is one of the most essential theme hooks.

The problem is because your WordPress theme does not call the WordPress function wp_footer() and the hook is not enabled. Please contact your WordPress theme provider and ask for how to support the wp_footer hook.

For more details about wp_footer hook and wp_footer() function, please view: and

Multiple jQuery loaded in WordPress


I have a website in progress, I used Wonderplugin for WordPress and as I came across on the development, I cannot get it working.

I already uploaded images and configured everything on WordPress.

I also copied the shortcode to the php page that I am working on. But the carousel does not show up.


Normally this problem is that there are multiple jQuery files added to your WordPress.

You can view the HTML source code of your webpage, and check how many jQuery are added in your website. In Google Chrome, you can view the HTML source code with menu View -> Developer -> View Source, then search text "jquery" in the source code.

There should be only one jQuery in the webpage, which is added by the WordPress system.

Some plugins add their own jQuery to the website, and this is not correct. A plugin should always use the system installed jQuery, and the js files added from a plugin will be added after the system jQuery.

A jQuery will destroy all other jQuery functions that are added before it. So if a plugin adds its own jQuery, it may destroy other jQuery functions.

To fix the issue:

In the plugin, Setting menu, you can try to check the option "Add plugin js scripts to the footer". This option will place the plugin js file to the footer and will fix the problem in most cases.

If the above option is not working, you can try to disable all other plugins and see whether the WonderPlugin works. If it works, you can then enable the plugins one by one, and find the plugin that has caused the problem.

If WonderPlugin is still not working after you have disabled all other plugins, then the extra jQuery may have been added manually to the theme or the page, you need to find the code and remove it.

How to Manually Upgrade the Plugin Without Losing Existing Work

This tutorial will guide you through the process of manually upgrading the plugin to a newer version. You can use these instructions to upgrade from the Free version to the Pro version or to update either version to the latest release.

In your WordPress backend, navigate to the left menu: Plugins -> Add New Plugin. Click the Upload Plugin button, select the downloaded plugin .zip file, and then click the Install Now button.


On the next page, click the Replace current with uploaded button and wait for WordPress to complete the installation. The plugin will be upgraded to the Pro version once the installation is finished.


Clear WordPress Caches

If you have installed a WordPress JS/CSS minify plugin or a WordPress cache plugin (e.g., Autoptimize, W3 Total Cache, WP Rocket, WP Fastest Cache, WP Super Cache), make sure to empty all caches created by these plugins.

Additionally, some web hosts (e.g., GoDaddy, WPEngine, SiteGround, DreamHost) also cache web files. You need to clear the web hosting caches before testing. Contact your web hosting provider for guidance on clearing these caches.

Finally, clear your web browser's cache before testing.