Centring WordPress jQuery slider


I have uploaded one of your sliders on to my WordPress website that I am building for my company and I can't seem to work out how to centre it on the page.

I hope you can help me out.


WonderPlugin Slider sets its margin-left and margin-right properties to auto, so it will center itself to its container by default.

If for some reason it does not center on your webpage, you can try to place the slider inside another div, then center the div, for example, you can use code as following:

<div style="width:100%;text-align:center;">
<div style="width:400px;margin:0 auto;">
[[wonderplugin_slider id="37"]]

In the above code, the outer div has a width property 100%, it will have the same width as your webpage.

The inner div should have the same width as your slider. The width value can be pixels, for example "400px", or in percent, for example "80%". Its margin property "0 auto" will place the inner div to the center of the outer div.

Making the shadow underneath the slider larger


I have the commercial version of WonderPlugin Slider Plugin and am trying to make the shadow underneath the plugin appear larger on my homepage. I like how it sits down lower on your page but it seems to get lost on my page.


In Step 3, Options tab, Advanced Options panel, enter the following text to the Advanced Options:


The two options define the width and the top position of the underneath shadow (percentage compared to the image).